Geoff Jones

Geoff Jones Year 1

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Year One

Carried through the worst winter in living memory. Finally born to the sound of foxes in the hottest summer after a 15/- Ambulance ride from Creswell to Ashgate.

We moved house to our brand new estate home in November and then at 9 months old I contacted Whooping Cough and went into a fit, despatched to Mansfield Isolation Hospital on my fathers 38th birthday. Much to everyones surprise I survived and went to Mablethorpe for a well needed holiday in July 1948. (see picture) Jack Stamps was Grandad Fawkes name for me, much to my mothers annoyance.

The real Jack Stamps was the centre forward at Derby who helped them win their only FA cup in 1946. Full story found here

Geoff Jones as Young Jack Stamps
Geoff Jones at one.jpg
Mabel thorpe - 16 July 1948

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle." -- Philo of Alexandria


Text (c) Geoff Jones 2007

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