Embedding Innovations..
For the Embedding Innovation series at Anglia Ruskin University I gave a two hour presentation on social media focusing on how blogging can help small enterprises and introducing them to such concepts as Twitter and Facebook . I made a simple slide show which is now on Slideshare .
I had previously looked at the participants websites using Poodle Predictor so the presentation came alive when their websites popped up on the screen (Thanks Euan for the Scrapbook recommendation). I showed a direct comparison between what the Google crawler sees and what is served up to the end user for a couple of their websites (see the slides above).
After the event I created a WordPress site for my favourite Cambridge Cafe, one of the delegates, Lingling from Le Gros Franck, which I would love to turn into a real social media experience, so that the daily specials can be twittered etc.
Many thanks to Robert Jones of ARU & Philip for getting me the gig. Interestingly this is the first time I have been paid an hourly rate for about 25 years! So a bit of an innovation for me.