Today’s reading rabbit holes..
Today’s reading rabbit hole which I disappeared into was driven by these articles all appearing in my Feedly :
Cause of hardening of the arteries – and potential treatment – identified
A subject close to my heart 🙂 with my elevated blood pressure and after my carotid-femoral pulse measurements from the last Quantified Self conference I went too where they measured mine and found a stiff aorta 🙁 This sent me down the route of looking at other research papers eg here and here reminding me I’ve yet to find anyone in the UK who will measure it in a more controlled environment here in the UK rather than a conference hall in Copenhagen!
Interesting that they think that that the “antibiotic minocycline was highly effective in preventing hardening of the arteries”
This article visualises the +5000 years it took barley to reach the UK 🙂

All very interesting particularly using the web site Map Warper to warp two maps together.
Pretty gloomy news
Mortality rates are still rising in the UK – and everyone is ignoring how many more people are dying.
Interestingly my age group is still doing OK as you can see from the above chart.
As the article says:
Warnings for the future
Something is going very wrong. And whatever is going on is unique to the UK because in no other European country have there been overall falls in life expectancy that look at all like this. The figures for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are almost certainly as bad as England, but no one has as yet bothered to study them in any detail – let alone tried to work out where they are heading.
Very interesting the full article is here
A blast from my past!
Whilst searching on the AllTrails website I discovered this little blast from the past which I uploaded to EveryTrail in 2008.
The original post came about when I discovered my 1956 YHA card. I then did a plot connecting up the Youth Hostels as much I could remember from when I was 8 years old. Staggering to think I did over 80 miles and all that climbing on a single speed bike 🙂 With my parents (late forties), brother (12) and sister (10)