Dropping down to Cordoba

Today I finally left the Sierras behind, dropping down 1800 feet to the beautiful city of Cordoba on the banks of the Guadalquivir river amazing the bridge built by the Romans over 2,100 years ago!
I left the Los Castillarejos Apartamentos Rural late at 10.30, due to writing the previous blog post. Antonio had laid everything out on the huge breakfast table just for me. I also managed to say goodbye to my new found Dutch friends.
Zuheros is a gorgeous little town well worth a visit for the scenery & buildings then my route took me on the old olive oil railway line now made into the Via Verde De La Subbetica cycleway before hitting the regular roads again, the amazing thing is the roads are virtually car less so perfect for cycling! Everything was going well with no sudden departures down rocky slopes, until, a huge stretch of the road CO-3204 nobody had tarmacked 🙁 it was compressed limestone so no ruts but still halved my speed compared to tarmac.

Finally, I swooped down across The Roman Bridge into Cordoba and its magnificent buildings a true World Heritage Site, especially in today’s crystal clear warm sunshine.
I found the Hospederia del Atalia nestled in an inner courtyard next to the place where I had a giant ice cream 🙂 A beautifully renovated place right in the centre of town. The debate now is whether to stay another night to explore the cathedral/mosque tomorrow or just to ride onto Seville.
Here is the Strava:
and here are the Flickr pics from my Canon, Hopefully, the iPhone pics will get added once the uploader works.