Inveterate dabbler in business, travel, gadgets & life

My new Olympus camera…

Thanks to Sally I’m now the proud owner of an Olympus SP-560UZ camera (An Amazon link as the Olympus website is as crap as ever) . So on my next big walk Nick won’t be able to complain about the image quality of my photographs.

Currently I’m digesting the 96page Advanced Instruction manual and trying to remember all my photo stuff, f number, ISO ratings and shutter speeds from 35 years ago 🙂River image

I tried it out on our Boxing day walk and some shots are up on flickr. The best one of the batch is this one with the swan and willows.  I took this one of a squirrel feeding on a bird feeder with the zoom at maximum but its out of focus 🙁

Apparently using their software I can automatically stitch together 3 images to make a panorama – will be interesting to see. I first will have to make my Leiki pole tripod!

In the New Year once the builders start driving their vans around  I will be out seeding my vanspot idea 🙂

Searching Twitter

Pretty cool way of doing searches within Twitters discovered by Scoble:-

Scobleizer Very nice Twitter search:

I like the way it searches for alternatives around the chosen word. Here is a search for emanating:-

Terraminds Emanating search

As you can see it has automatically extended the search to emanated, eman, emanate, emanations, emanator which is pretty good.

Incredible finger painting

Amazing Finger Painting apparently some of them can take 10 hours to do and then they are just washed off!.

Not sure who the guy is, if you do please let me know and I will give attribution (or take them down if requested).

All I can find out at the moment, is that some were shown at a body art show in South Africa and are used in advertisements for ushaka village walk in Durban SA


Thanks to Mia