Next stop Cuba

It’s time for another bike tour :-). With Cuba and the USA making up I thought it would be good to visit Cuba before major changes start taking place.
I’m intending to cycle end to end, about 1,000 miles. Flying into Havana then hopefully, flying/busing/training down to Santiago de Cuba . This should allow the trade winds to blow me back up to Pinar del Rio.

From all my reading it seems as if mobile 3G and WiFi could be a problem so not sure how I’m going to keep in touch or for that matter navigate.
I’ve bought a DeLorme Inreach satellite communicator which acts rather like an old fashioned pager but using the Iridium satellite network so it should give total global coverage. It bluetooths to the iPhone app etc. In theory I should be trackable at 10minute intervals plus I can twitter/facebook the text messages.
The map of my travels with messages should be here
First Update: I am sorry to advise VS63 05NOV is delayed until 13.00. Check in closes 2rs before.