Day 15 Biking Africa – Cape Town to Bloubergstrand

After much humming and harring this morning I finally decided the best way of making a decision on where to go next was just to get on the bike! The owner of The Altona said Blouberg was very pleasant with a cycle path for most of the way! I quickly found a place to stay there on by the beach too and so I waved goodbye to Cape Town, although it would be fun to do The Argus on a real bike another year 🙂

A bit of a nightmare exiting Cape Town on the motorway system, especially navigating around the broken glass bottles either thrown from cars or at cars 🙁 and as usual at the entry slip roads. I made it to the R27 and then got blasted along with a tail wind so strong I had difficulty stopping the bike in places. It’s truly a gorgeous ride with magnificent views of Table Top mountain, Robben Island and all the local fine sandy beaches.
I quickly made the 14 miles to Bloubergstrand and the accommodation at Blouberg Place where the owner had emailed me to say that she wasn’t there but then describing the secret hidey place for the key – very civilised and the room had a small barrel of biscuits 🙂
After a high velocity shower I walked up the road, admiring all the total glam houses and musing about their occupants admiring the view to Mandela’s prison from their terraces. I had a lovely salad & beer at the Ons Huisie restaurant which set me back a cool £5, getting expensive around here 🙂
The Strava is here and the days pics here