A longer trip this time and hopefully some longer Audaxes I’m booked into the ISAN 2020km on 02.02.20 and this weekend I’m attempting a tough 600 Starting from Sai Yok with over 6,000 metres of climbing 🙁
So should be very interesting! The rest of my time will be spent exploring the country by bike, train & car.
Which bike is in the box?
Trek Checkpoint SL6 https://www.rutlandcycling.com/bikes/road-bikes/trek-checkpoint-sl-6-2020-carbon-gravel-bike-black_473993?currency=GBP&gclid=CjwKCAiAmNbwBRBOEiwAqcwwpbzaHNCLPaDER2vL3aB1N7nVUlJXOHe6Amye4W-DL5KLaL2K6rHAUxoCnrUQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Just reading what your up to makes me feel tired Geoff! Have a great trip and good luck
I haven’t done them yet 🙂 might just end up doing the usual touring 🙂
Ironman Geoff Be careful in the wild lands
It’s ok Pete I’m not in the USofA 🙂