Today should have been a long day as the Camino distance between Monforte and Chantada is 31km. However, we are exceptionally fortunate in having a backup with Geoff driving Colins car so once again he drove us outside Monforte to the 113.3 marker stone on the LU-4106.
The route is very rural keeping me occupied updating the hamlet names on OSM every mile or so using the Go Map!! app. walking was quite slow as Colin’s foot was playing up again plus he left his hat behind at one of our many stops necessitating a dash back for me to collect it.
The drop down through the woods to Belesar from the church of San Paio de Diamondi (Interestingly the 100km point to Santiago) was fantastic although looking at the equally sharp ascent across the river made us pleased that Geoff was waiting by the river in the car especially since we hadn’t passed any open bars or shops!
After some food and checking in at Hotel Mogay we then attempted to find the Gold award winning Airas Moniz cheese farm, GMaps conveniently stuck a pin in the middle of a field which we then drove around in a series of circles 🙁 Eventually, we found some mechanics who gave us instructions. Once there whilst waiting for the cheesemaker to separate the curd & whey I updated OSM to make sure no one suffers the same fate!
We had a quick tour, its a very small place, interesting but alas no blue cheese to take away but the sample tasted pretty good.
Strava says we walked I6.7km (but 1.2km was fetching the errant hat)and 305m of ascent.
Strava says:
The pics are here:
Here is Colin’s estimable post of the day