A good early start at 8am from the Hotel Tudela Bardenas after an excellent breakfast. I zoomed along the NA-126 with pleasant views over the Rio Ebro plains, fascinating to see the cliffs made out of ancient mud. All went well, apart from lack of places to buy drink until just after Tauste where the road was blocked with warning signs about the Puente across the Ebro being closed. I decided to take heed, after the railway crossing fiasco and followed the diversion over the nearby bridge.

This diversion then put me on a very busy road 🙁 At Cabanas de Ebro I at last managed to escape the road and find a very disguised shop to get some much needed drink. Whilst stopped I researched Gmaps and true to form they came to the rescue and sorted a route down very stony farm tracks, poor for the touring bike, but much better for me 🙂 even so I had to ignore a few Privado warnings but I finally made it to the airport.
Tickets for the 5pm Ryanair Stansted flight were no longer available online but after 3pm you could buy them at the airport at some inflated price 🙁 so at some large cost I bought a ticket. With the ticket at least I could make it back to Kings Lynn by 9pm to take Sally out for her birthday meal 🙂
The next problem was where to leave the bike and my assorted bags etc. Booking.com came up with the nearby new Hotel Diagonal Plaza so I pedalled around, they agreed to look after my bike in their office for a couple of days and then for me to stay the night on Thursday before continuing my tour 🙂
The only problem left was then how to return to the airport – turned out a 30 minute walk did the trick – walking along the road, good job it wasn’t busy 🙂
Ryanair, as usual was on time, landing early, however the mega queues at passport control are ridiculous the software on the new auto gates is abysmal very slow with no visual feedback. Why not fit them with a video screen showing the image of your passport with an overlay of the correct position then to revert the screen to an image of your eye with overlay of the correct position.

Finally made it to Lynn station at ten past nine 🙂 unfortunately Marriotts couldn’t be bothered to cook a meal – such inflexibility is mind blowing to me 🙁 However, Prezzo was open 🙂 so the day ended well 🙂
Oh and I almost forgot my heart rate data taken via the Gyroscope app:

Day 22 Tudela to Zaragoza Airport Lifeday 25,271 https://t.co/vNLiVIZgZg https://t.co/VaKOWvieNb
GOOD write up geoff, interesting reading ..
Many thanks Jim – getting organised now – even booked places for next two nights 🙂
very romantic to jet back for Sally’s birthday
Indeed 🙂
Good job I was not out with my fancy man !! Was a great surprise and lovely to see you as always 🙂 x