Inveterate dabbler in business, travel, gadgets & life

Rambling around Barley

Today’s weather was as beautiful as it was foul on our last ramble with the Cambridge Rambling Club. Carolin ably led us on a beautiful 14mile walk around the undulating countryside of Barley. Still some fruit on the trees although well past its sell by date, but showing just how rich we are that we can afford to leave whole apple trees unpicked!  plus we saw the delightful spindle tree fruits, the name came from when the tree was used for making the spindles used when spinning wool.

A wonderful day in very pleasant company and fine weather. Many thanks to Sally of Swedish massage fame for the fine vegetable chilli which we had with Anthony & Kay last night and for our lunch today!

Here is the walk on Everytrail:-

Barley walk with Cambridge Rambling Club

Map your trip with EveryTrail

The new boots worked well in the long wet grass at the start of the day.

Now to decide about selling and buying houses in Cambridge……

Reader Comments

  1. I love the Everytrail link. Do the Ramblers ever see them? I hope to join you and Sally one Sunday too for a walk, and a Swedish massage if I am lucky 🙂

  2. Wow Ellee pleased you have cracked Disqus – yep would be great for you to join us , although they set a cracking pace to begin with 🙂

  3. I love the Everytrail link. Do the Ramblers ever see them? I hope to join you and Sally one Sunday too for a walk, and a Swedish massage if I am lucky 🙂

  4. Wow Ellee pleased you have cracked Disqus – yep would be great for you to join us , although they set a cracking pace to begin with 🙂

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