Having just upgraded my iPhone software to 3.1. I was suddenly confronted with the monster 69 iphone pages of contract before I could access Itunes. Just for fun I analysed it in Textalyser and Wordle. Here are the results:-
Total word count : | 11242 |
Number of different words : | 1530 |
Complexity factor (Lexical Density) : | 13.6% |
Readability (Gunning-Fog Index) : (6-easy 20-hard) | 10.2 |
Total number of characters : | 117476 |
Number of characters without spaces : | 74036 |
Average Syllables per Word : | 1.85 |
Sentence count : | 1143 |
Average sentence length (words) : | 18.15 |
Max sentence length (words) : | 99 |
( you agree that itunes has the right without liability to you to disclose any registration data and or account information to law enforcement authorities government officials and or a third party as itunes believes is reasonably necessary or appropriate to enforce and or verify compliance with any part of this agreement including but not limited to itunes\ right to cooperate with any legal process relating to your use of the service and or products and or a third party claim that your use of the service and or products is unlawful and or infringes such third party\ s rights ) | |
Min sentence length (words) : | 1 |
(r) | |
Readability (Alternative) beta : (100-easy 20-hard, optimal 60-70) | 32.3 |
Just love that sentence with 99 words! and also that Itunes is mentioned 479 times out of the 11,242 words that Apple lawyers deem I should read and understand before pressing the Agree button.
Here is the rather pretty Wordle of the contract:-