Sat update

Cambridge, Hills Road, Domino’s Pizza place has just been forced to close because of a complaint from Rebecca Jane B? which the council inspectors upheld:-
“An infestation of rats in the premises resulting in a significant risk of contamination to foodstuffs and a risk to public health. In addition, there is an accumulation of dirt and extraneous matter in the kitchen”
Not very good publicity for DPGS Ltd T/as Domino’s Pizza, 27 Hills Road, CB2 1NW
As you can see from the photos the upper two floors of the takeaway are derelict and in urgent need of renovation.
Many thanks to Richard’s excellent CamCityCouncil Twitter feed for alerting me 😉
Sat update: Apparently three rats were found stuck to the glue mats put down by the rat catcher – apparently the rats were in the derelict flats upstairs. They are hoping to reopen on Wednesday!
u mean dpgl
an yes they were upstairs no-where near the food,so in my oppinion way too OTT