Inveterate dabbler in business, travel, gadgets & life

Quick travelling update

Sorry to my regular readers about the lack of updates 🙁
It is simply due to me enjoying myself so much and having an active social life.

From 26May

The fact is I am  simply loving travelling here, especially with beer at $1 a pint, hotel rooms at $8 night and decent meals for less than $5.
The scenery is fantastic and my fellow travellers excellent.
I find it hard to believe that I will ever visit The Flying Pig in Cambridge again with beer over 3 pound a pint.
I’ve been using Picasa to store my pictures (it works better than flickr at autobacking up on the computer). My pictures can be found at

Some of my trails can be found at Everytrail

Some action videos are on Youtube

Of course I twitter when I can.and if you are lucky you can catch me on Skype.

Now its a question of convincing Sally to get the travel bug 🙂

Reader Comments

  1. Great trip you are having, loving the photos !!!

    I dont think Sally will take much convincing….. !!!

    If I a travel partner and some money, I would love to travel more.

  2. I have the bug from just listening to all your adventures so as anne says i wont take much convincing.
    I want to be with you more than anything , it will just take a bit of planning 🙂

  3. I think you have given us all the travel bug Geoff. I'm pleased to hear you are having a wonderful time. I will certainly check out those pictures and your lovely Sally will be with you soon…

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