Inveterate dabbler in business, travel, gadgets & life

First week

Today I completed my first week of Spanish school and if the results of my first test are anything to go by it’s been a bit of a flop 🙂 we had to write 100 words describing a family from 3 cartoon pictures – couldn’t even begin to make sentences! Filling in the verbs ser, esta, was ok as we were allowed a dictionary 🙂 Will be interesting to see how I do next week, especially since I will be helping the school handyman who has no English.

After the exam it was straight in the minibus with 9 others for the 200km+ ride to Arenal to visit Volcán Arenal y Monteverde a $165 weekend exursion.

Tonight I’m sharing a deluxe room with Michael from Switzerland at the deluxe hotel. We’ve just returned from the amazing Baldi hot springs oasis of 25 thermal outdoor pools ranging from 67deg to 32deg. The star attraction was the humungous slide where you reach 30mph in an enclosed tunnel exiting in a huge splash into a thermal pool. Unbelievable 🙂 🙂 only did it once though as I thought the old back might suffer.

Now it’s off for dinner then the others have threatened to take me to the disco….


Reader Comments

  1. who threatened to take who to the disco? Hope they have some hardcore dutch trance out there or it'll be a night in streaming DI off the Iphone!

  2. you a flop at school never.. sure you must know some words now even if you cannot string them into sentences….. hot springs sound wonderful …. only 56 days to go 🙂

  3. who threatened to take who to the disco? Hope they have some hardcore dutch trance out there or it'll be a night in streaming DI off the Iphone!

  4. you a flop at school never.. sure you must know some words now even if you cannot string them into sentences….. hot springs sound wonderful …. only 56 days to go 🙂

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