Yesterday was my 57th birthday and what a jolly day I had! Em made Suzanne and I breakfast in bed followed by my pressies from Suzanne – books on:
The Pennine Way (
The Peddar Way
A Coast to Coast Walk (Wainwright 1973)
Wainwright’s tour in the Lake District – Whitsuntide 1931 with period map
Plus map of Finland circa 1940
and a complete set of cotton bed linen so that I can rest my wary head afto doing all that walking.
Em bought me a pair of slippers and gorgeous cup and saucer from Hydra – for my retirement. (which started on July 1) .
Then it was off to Ceriks for a real shave and head massage. Popped into office to give them all fresh fruit salad for my birthday (They are all on diets so cream cakes are OFF the menu).
Suzanne then took Em and I off to Galleria for a light lunch (why oh why couldnt they be arsed to pop over road and buy as a bottle of Pimms! Instead of saying that had none). Afterwards went to Open Air to try on new boots for all that walking were I made the discovery that I’m closer to size 11.5 rather than the 10 I have at the moment – no wonder I got those blisters last time. Met Cathy on the way back with my pressy of loads of nuts and a bowl.
In the evening Suzanne, Hilary, Caroline Ophelia and Izzy, Nick and Mia, Emily and I all went to the
Afterwards Nick presented me with a