Monday, January 30, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
A Supermarket War in Store
also Motley fool have a good article here saying that CVS will be the real winner as they are buying 700 of the Albertsons pharmacies thus cementing their role as the USA's largest pharmacist.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Fall of the traditional wedding album?
Entrepreneurial-minded wedding photographers John Andrews and Eric Hegwer have added "iPod Proofs" to their services, featuring custom-engraved his-and-hers video iPods with music, photos and slideshows of your wedding, including all photos they make. (Hence, proofs. A better name, I think, would be iPod Keepsakes.)
Fits in with my idea of establishing a franchise that goes around elders houses, documenting all their prized possesions with a little history of how they acquired them and what they would like to happen to them when they die. (Maybe I should ask Caroline if some of her well heeled customers would be interested!)
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Pees on Earth - Gridskipper
Yep, this is pretty much what you expect — a book about pee. Not just peeing anywhere, but peeing all over the place. New York, Miami, Shanghai, and other worldwide locales get the business in photographer Ellen Jong’s Pees on Earth: A Pissin’ Mission.
Another of my heroes dies
His management company said that he had been in poor health for the past year.
Born in Alabama, Pickett shot to fame in the 1960s, with hits including In The Midnight Hour and Mustang Sally.
I remember listening to his LP and also Otis Redding when running my scrap electronics business with Harry Collins, here in Cambridge.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Blog Colour
Your Blog Should Be Blue

You tend to avoid conflict - you're more likely to share than rant.
From your social causes to cute pet photos, your life is a (mostly) open book.
and yes it is already blue . how harmonious is that!
Monday, January 02, 2006
andWriting in 2006 and reasons to blog...
Maybe I should make this my New Years resolution :-
"Write. Then write more. Write till it scares the crap
out of you. If it doesn’t, press on; it will. Write till you get brave
enough to keep writing in spite of how scared you are. In spite of what
anyone thinks, including yourself.The upside is that you’ll find out who you are. The downside is, well… that you’ll find out who you are."
Thanks to Christoper (Rageboy) Locke. in his interview with David Newberger.
The 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint
"I offer you an algorithm: find out the age of the oldest person in your audience and divide it by two. That’s you’re optimal font size"
The other 10 rules are great too
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Cory gives up his EFF job.
Will be interesting to chat to him again when we meet up at LIFT in Geneva.