Tuesday, September 26, 2006

And the next one is....

Whilst wandering around Nice I was enticed intothe Papeterie Rontani shop by the IGN map poster. Came out with the brand new FFRP (www.ffrandonnee.fr) 15th edition of the Topoguide to GR20 Á travers la montagne corse. A quick nip down to the harbour confirms that in mid June (about earliest that snow should be gone) there are 5 sailings a week to Calvi (www.riviera-ports.com or www.corsicaferries.com ) that take about 3 hours.
It seems like a 15day hike with a first day out of Calenzana been a 1295metre climb.
Anyone want to join me :-)

Sent from Geoff's Treo650


Ellee said...

Corsica is stunning, has the cleanest air and water in Europe, so yes please...

7:16 AM  

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